Visa and Mastercard are by far the most widely accepted cards, with Discover being fourth behind these brands and American Express fourth. Any merchant who accepts card payments will probably need Visa and Mastercard. With respect to the number of assisted countries, Discover stays behind the other three cards.
Consumers with Discover and American Express credit cards are most likely to encounter difficulties in finding merchants that accept their cards, especially when traveling outside the United States. Discover has used international partnerships with other card networks, including UnionPay. With these alliances, Discover became one of the most accepted international ticket brands from 2015 onwards. However, as you can see below, Discover still has coverage gaps when it comes to certain large countries.

Where are American Express cards accepted?
Consumers find it harder to find merchants accepting Amex cards than any other network. This applies both domestically and abroad. About six million US merchants accept American Express cards, which is about 30% less than Visa, Mastercard and Discover. In general, having a security card is a good idea if you meet one of the merchants who does not accept American Express.
Nevertheless, as already mentioned, millions of traders continue to accept Amex cards. If you live in larger cities or near tourist destinations, you will likely find merchants that accept American Express as a form of payment. Amex is also increasing the number of cardmembers and the number of sales with the company's cards is increasing. Over time, this growth helps counteract Amex's high processing costs for merchants and encourages them to accept American Express if they want to gain access to a growing number of customers using those cards.
Some traders refuse to work with American Express because their transactions are expensive. Most Amex cards offer premium rewards, and any wiping of these cards can cost dealers 2.5% of the sale or more. In contrast, Visa, MasterCard and Discover fees can range between 1.7% and 2%. This represents a strong monetary incentive for store managers to favor the use of these networks over American Express.
Where are Discover credit cards accepted?
Among the four major US credit card networks, Discover has the third highest acceptance rate among domestic merchants. However, it does not lag far behind the two guides Visa and Mastercard. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule. Above all, Costco, America's largest member club club, only accepts Visa cards.
As mentioned earlier, many international dealers accept Discover. However, this acceptance is not evenly distributed across all countries. If you have a Discover card and plan to travel, consult the table below.
Discover has worked with several other major map networks, which has helped expand its reach abroad. In certain parts of the world, stores that accept Diners Club, China UnionPay or JCB also accept a Discover card.
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